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You read the title right, Apple has been sued for a couple of Patent Infringement cases in Ireland. What makes this piece of news so interesting is that the company is usually on the giving end of these lawsuits and almost never on the receiving end. Here’s the breakdown of what exactly happened, provided by PatentlyApple.

The reporting party is named Sonrai Memory, an Irish entity. They currently don’t have any operations but own the patents to countless technologies that we find essential in our everyday gadgets and electronics. They’re in the business of procuring these from companies that need to liquidate or those that no longer have any use for them.

Allegedly, the patents in question are titled “Chip Multiprocessor with Multiple Operating Systems” and “Variable Charge Pump with Dynamic Loading Circuit,” originally licensed in 2005 and 2004 respectively. These were in the possession of other companies such as HP until they were bought in 2016.

The violating products of Apple date multiple generations beginning with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus of 2014. Mac models from the same year onwards aren’t spared as well.

While the very fact that the company behind this Apple patent infringement does nothing but buy patents and report big companies may appear like a joke to everyone, it appears to be a very profitable escapade. After all, the world’s largest electronics companies make billions of revenue through worldwide sales every year. The fact though that they waited for 8 years before filing this lawsuit could mean that there was ill intent to acquire the largest payday of their entire careers.

Despite this, courts still have to judge this case as fairly as possible in order to uphold the values of law.

We’ll be sure keep you updated on what happens to this entire situation. If you want to read on the lawsuit at length, click here.




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