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Believe it or not, chances are you’re better off with your 5G mobile data than your Wifi connection at home, especially when playing multiplayer mobile games or streaming videos. This is according to the recent analysis conducted by Opensignal in the Philippines.

According to Opensignal, smartphone users in the Philippines saw much faster download speeds when connected to 5G than when connected to Wifi. This result is consistent whether inside homes, shops, offices, and other places where wifi is usually available.

Opensignal: The Philippines Now Has Better 5G Than Wifi

“Our Filipino smartphone users clocked up an impressive 138.6 Mbps for 5G Download Speed — 5.3 times and 8.8 times faster than the average download speeds seen when connected to Wifi or 4G, respectively,” said the company.

However, in terms of upload speeds. Wifi still wins the competition. The average upload speed seen by users when connected to Wifi is 14.4 Mbps—1.6 Mbps or 12.6% better than 5G. Nevertheless, the 5G upload speed is a huge jump from the 4G upload speed. 5G upload speed is just 3.1 times better.

Opensignal’s analysis proved that cellular connections are no longer inferior to Wifi, but this doesn’t mean that Wifi will become irrelevant soon. According to Opensignal, it will continue to have an important role, especially when backing up files and downloading large apps due to the low cost of data it provides compared to many mobile plans.


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